Buzz Dixon wrote a big hunk of your childhood, from Thundarr to Tiny Toons, G.I. Joe to Jem, Transformers to My Little Pony, Batman to Chip & Dale -- and he ain’t done yet!
Buzz Dixon wrote a big hunk of your childhood, from Thundarr to Tiny Toons, G.I. Joe to Jem, Transformers to My Little Pony, Batman to Chip & Dale -- and he ain’t done yet!
Idyl by Jefrrey Catherine Jones. I cut off the bottom tier of this page to make it fit, but trust me, you ain’t missing nothing.
cover art by Travis Hanson
I Walked With A Zombie (1943, dir. Jacques Tourneur, prod. Val Lewton) & Zombi 2 (1979, dir. Lucio Fulci)