How Roz Met Jack

How Roz Met Jack

Here's the story the way Roz Kirby told it to me:
"Jack and I lived in the same neighborhood and knew each other by sight, though we had never been introduced.  None of my friends knew who he was; they all assumed he was a bootlegger because he didn't work at a regular job but always had enough cash for nice clothes and an apartment of his own.

"One day he walks over to me on the street and asked,
'Want to come up to my place and see my etchings?'

"Well, I'd been to the movies, I knew what 'come up
and see my etchings' meant, but I decided, hey, why not?

"So I went up to his apartment.

"And wouldn't you know it, he had etchings..."


various late night poems

various late night poems

The Painted Stallion

The Painted Stallion