A Lone Buffalo [FICTOID]

A Lone Buffalo [FICTOID]

“What’s it doing?”

“Just standing there.”

“In the library?”

“In the library.”


“You tell me.”

The buffalo stood as tall at the shoulder as a Knicks center.  Once its b rothers -- all equally large -- roamed the plains with it.

Now the plains sat paved over, its brothers dead, and the buffalo stood alone in a high school library.

“How did it get in here?”

A shrug in response.  “Through the doors, I guess.”

“The doors have a central support post.  The individual doors are too narrow for it to squeeze through.”

“Look, you asked me to speculate on how it got in here.  You don’t like my answers, don’t ask your questions.”

A long silent pause.

“Maybe…maybe it materialized inside the library.”

“Materialized?!?!?  Look, this isn’t Star Wars, it’s the real world.  Buffalos just don’t materialize.”

“Star Trek.”


“Star Trek.  You meant Star Trek.  Star Wars is a different franchise.”

“I don’t care which franchise!  All that matters is that we have a large cud chewing mammal in our school.”

“You mean gum.  Our school is full of gum chewing mammals, the students.”

They watched in frustrated silence for several moments.

“Well…at least it’s not doing anything.”



At that, the buffalo dropped a prairie pie in the middle of the philosophy section.

“Well, now it did something.”


© Buzz Dixon


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