Little Buzzy Boy’s Report Cards

Little Buzzy Boy’s Report Cards

I recently found a batch of my old grammar school report cards…

First Grade
(age 6)

“Buzzy is improving in his work and attitudes…”

“Buzzy needs to be more careful with his writing…”

“Buzzy dreams while he should be working.  He has to be told over and over to get busy…”


Second Grade
(age 7)

“Buzzy lacks knowledge of his basic arithmetic skills & does not follow directions well…”

“Buzzy has improved in every way except listening and talking…”


Sixth Grade
(age 11)

“Buzzy could do much better.  He has an indifferent attitude about doing his work well.  He reads a lot, which is good, but must not neglect his required work.  I hope he will do better next time…”


(age 71)

“Fuk ya…”


© Buzz Dixon

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