Writing Report June 3, 2022

Writing Report June 3, 2022

As noted earlier, I like to start my major projects at six month intervals. 

My last one started on January 1 and wrapped up May 22.

I’d hoped for ten days to get caught up on a number of smaller projects before starting on my June 1 project, but Events Conspired Against Me in various forms (including looking after our grandson more often than anticipated) so I ended up getting virtually none of that done but still wanted to start June 1 on the next one.

’Scuse me, I’m ready to be born.

Say wha -- ?  Huh?  Who are you?

I’m the 3rd novella in the Chronicles of Q’a.

What are you talking about?  I abandoned that series two years ago when I couldn’t place the second novella.

That’s what you thought.  Here I am, let’s go.

No.  I started the 3rd novella and it went nowhere –

You started a prequel because you couldn’t figure out a satisfactory plot for me, and you rightfully gave it up when you realized you were just rehashing the second novella.

Now I’m here in all my pagan glory (as the old Hollywood epic trailers used to say) so let’s get cracking.

No.  I’ve been doing tons of research on my next project, it’s a theme I like a lot, I don’t want to waste time doing barbarian fantasy I can’t place – “

Screw placing it.  I need to be told.  Look, I’m going to have this and this and this

…oh my gawd…

Yeah, just the sort of thing you know you can do.  C’mon, start me up.  You can tackle that stupid mainstream stuff later.

No.  I’m starting my next major work on June 1; I’m not pushing it back.

Look at this and this…c’mon, you know you want it…

I’ve got stronger discipline than that.  The major work starts June 1, come hell or high water or grandson.


That’s on my computer.  You, I’ll start on a collegiate notebook.

What!  That’s discrimination!

Sure is, and sometimes it’s necessary.  My two previous Q’a stories were written first in longhand then transcribed.  The aborted prequel began life on the computer.

[sputter]  But – but – but that will take too long!

It will take as long as it takes.  The major works gets the most attention but I’ll be doing a little bit of work on you every day until you’re completed – and the great thing is I can take the collegiate notebook with me places I can’t lug the computer.

You better not short change me!

I won’t -- and when I’m done I’ll start thinking about the fourth and final story and when that one is done, I’ll start shopping it around with fantasy publishers.

You better.

I will…now show me that bit about the map again…


© Buzz Dixon

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