Looking For Feedback On Abortion

I'm posting this in response to things I have read on other blogs and FB. I'm going to forward this to various people and invite feedback from them, as well as people who read this on my blog.

I'm asking for my own education, not to debate. I won't challenge anybody's response (tho conceivably -- pun unintended -- I might ask for clarification). No snark, no commentary.

Responses will be posted here at BuzzDixon.com at some point in the future. You may respond at https://www.facebook.com/buzzdixon or buzz@dragules.wwwss34.a2hosted.com Unless you specifically request to be identified / linked to, I will attribute pseudonymously.




Nobody thinks abortion is a good idea...

...not even pro-choice people...

...not even when it's a life or death situation for the mother.

At best it is the lesser of two evils.

Nobody denies that.

It's clear that the American people as a whole want abortion to be legal.

Not all Americans agree with this: These Americans want all abortion banned.

These Americans are the ones I'm seeking feedback from.


Let us assume it is possible to create a law that prevents people from obtaining an abortion...

...but it comes with a price.


The price is whatever it costs to save mother and child in the case of medical crisis...

...whatever it costs to treat unborn children with life-threatening birth defects or genetic disorders so they may have a normal life...

...whatever it costs to subsidize or provide adequate food, shelter, health care, and education for a child so the mother and / or adoptive / foster parents will not feel  overwhelmed and unable to bring a baby into the world...

What would you, my fellow Americans, my co-religionists, what would you be willing to sacrifice to save the unborn?

You can pay for it with taxes or with voluntary tithes, but everybody has to chip in.

What would you sacrifice?

What would you give up?

Walk or take public transport instead of buying a car ever 6 years?

Live in a smaller home?

Rent instead of own?

No more movies/cable/internet?

Beans instead of beef for the rest of your life?

Through abstinence or birth control, limit the size of your own family?

What would you sacrifice?

I Hate To Say I Told You So, But...

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