Good Christian Bitches

Some folks in the Christian community have gotten their knickers in a twist over this show: ...which in turn is based on this book:

The problem is not Disney or ABC or even the people behind Good Christian BitchesThe problem is the hypocrisy inside the churches that are driving people away.  There are more people declaring themselves atheists than ever before, ditto agnostics and "other".  ALL the major denominations are hemorrhaging members, claims by certain groups that they were growing have been proven false; they were just counting the people who joined, not the people who left.

We have churches filled with Babbits who use their faith as a cover for all sorts of greedy, selfish, non-Christian behavior.  We even have people and groups claiming it is God's will to be money grubbers who don't support the poor, the sick, the powerless.

We have churches and organizations rocked by major scandals that would have driven ordinary businesses out of existence.  Not only are the miscreants rarely identified, they're even more rarely held accountable.  Indeed, far too often they are "forgiven" by their co-religionists and allowed to resume business as usual (until the next big scandal).

This stupid little TV show didn't cause any of that, this stupid little TV show reflects all of that.  If there wasn't a hundred or so "ministries", websites, organizations, etc., espousing the rankest kind of hypocrisy, this show would have never found traction.

It found traction because everybody knows it is true at some level: Maybe not every Christian, but certainly enough of us!

Don't kill the messenger, folks.  All the nice people at Disney & ABC have done is to inform you just how bad the problem is.  We gotta start holding our own accountable, refusing to turn a blind eye to people and groups who use religion to line their own pockets, justify their own bigotry, and excuse their own excesses.

New Media vs. Even Newer Media