The Only Logical Answer [FICTOID]

The Only Logical Answer [FICTOID]

They paddled the raft out to the middle of the lake so the prime minister could evaluate the situation up close and personally/

“How did this happen?” she asked.

One of the dairy farmers on the raft pointed off to a huge circular tank in the distance.  “We store our milk in that, then ship it out in individual tanker trucks.  One driver pulled away before disconnecting the hose.  That pulled the nozzle off and all the milk leaked out during the night.”

“And it ran down here, yes, I understand,” said the prime minister.  “My question is, how did raw milk turn into yogurt?”

Her scientific adviser stuck a finger into the gooey liquid, pulled it out, and tasted it; very scientific.

“I’d blame climate change,” he said, dipping his finger in for another sample.

“Details?” the prime minister asked.

“The milk leaked out during the middle of the night so no one saw it and turned off the tap.  When the sun came up, it heated the milk to eighty degrees Celsius.”

“That should have merely curdled the milk,” said the prime minister.  “Why did it turn into yogurt?”

“Off hand – and in lieu of any preliminary tests – I’d say somebody tossed an empty yogurt container in the lake, possibly a dairy worker on their lunch break, maybe a picnicker.”

“Could it have been aliens?” said the farmer, remembering the empty yogurt cup he discarded.  “I hear they built the pyramids.  Couldn’t they have turned the milk into yogurt?”

The prime minister and the scientific adviser looked askance at him for several moments before the adviser said, “Well…I wouldn’t call it likely, but I am compelled to admit it’s not impossible.”

“Aliens it is, then,” said the prime minister, eager to avoid any unnecessary political entanglements with the farm vote bloc.



© Buzz Dixon


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