A Fan Fiction Writers’ Group Meeting [FICTOID]
The Mad Max fans were in an uproar. One of their number wrote a variant on Fury Road where all the characters rode giant mutant kiwis instead of souped up cars.
“Are you trying to mock us?” they demanded of the errant scribe. “Your antics wear our patience thin!”
“No! Never!” said the writer. “I’m just being logical. Sooner or later gas and oil and tires and spare parts will run out, but a mutant kiwi is forever.
“Look on it as the dawn of a new age!”
“You make a cunning point,” said one of the other writers, trying to swing the pendulum back, “but others feel you’re trying to hijack our group.”
“That was never my intent,” said the scribe, but the others said, “Hang your intent! We demand you resign from the group!”
The writer looked at them with a leaden expression, realizing he was banished yet again.
Oh, well, maybe the Harry Potter fans will have me…
© Buzz Dixon