The Day Two Lifelong Friends Met [FICTOID]

The Day Two Lifelong Friends Met [FICTOID]

Sanora adjusted her lace collar, smoothed her elegant red gown, and patiently awaited the auspicious moment.

The Grand Colony Fleet had been traveling for thirty generations, each huge ship carrying enough humans and supplies to start a colony of their own if fate decreed only one would survive.

But by a divine miracle, all fifty ships reached Tau Ceti and soon the colonization would begin in earnest.

There had been no physical contact among the ships since the initial launch, simply exchanged videos as they shared insights and information along the way.

Sanora was the 23rd in her family line to work as a bio-engineer; in her case, developing new strains of plantains in her ship’s greenhouse to plant and harvest on Tau Ceti IV.

On another ship Feshir also cultivated plantains, and through their shared messages over the years, the two came to realize they were soulmates.

Sanora wondered if the meeting was premature.  She felt culpable for having suggested it.

What if he doesn’t like me? she wondered.  What if this is all a mistake?

No time left to worry:  The shuttle from Feshir’s ship docked with Sanora’s and the airlock dilated open.

Feshir stepped out, a callow youth of 25 standard years, thin and lithe, with a thick shock of auburn hair.

He recognized her instantly, of course, and stepped up to her.

“Sanora…” he murmured gently, caressing her silver hair, stroking her wrinkled cheeks…


© Buzz Dixon

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