Did We Not Warn You?

Did We Not Warn You?

There’s so much wrong with the reported overturning of Roe v Wade by the Supreme Court.

Four of the justices are perjurers, telling the Senate one thing under oath then doing the opposite.

The Republican Party has given up all pretext of responsible government, legal precedent, and societal norms.  They deliberately blocked one nominee to the Supreme Court in order to cream three of their own in.

And they don’t even believe in what they peddle to the rubes.

They made a deal with the devil back in the 1960s when they invited ultra-far right wingers, ultra-fundamentalist religious leaders, and out & out white supremacists into the party.

All the better to serve the needs of the ultra-rich.

For half a century these bigots have been vowing to undo Roe v Wade. 

They also promised to do away with civil rights for all Americans by rolling back programs designed to protect minority, disabled, and LGBQT citizens.

They’ve even vowed to overturn Federal laws preventing states from banning interracial marriages, and if you’re one of my GOP friends who are now claiming, “Oh, come on, Buzz, they’d never do that” let me remind you that’s exactly what you promised about overturning Roe v Wade.

The leaked report indicates they are bulldozing over literally centuries or legal precedent, applying a twisted and contorted reading of the Constitution which will immediately open the floodgates on scores of lawsuits using that interpretation to knock down hundreds of laws and programs that have benefited this country.

There’s only one way to stop this and that’s to vote the current GOP out of office.

It’s happened before; in fact, the GOP itself was the beneficiaries of the collapse of the Whig party in the years before the Civil War.

We are entering perilous times.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Oh, and lest anyone think I’m going light on the Democrats, guys, this is a five-alarm fire, full boire emergency, all hands on deck.

No more protest votes for third party candidates, no more “well, that candidate isn’t very likeable”, no more “they’re all the same”.


They’re not.

Vote against the GOP until such time as they collapse as a political party and a new, saner conservative party arises from the ashes.

It’s the only way to secure your children’s and grandchildren’s future.



© Buzz Dixon

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