A Fairy Tale In A Faraway Land (FICTOID)

A Fairy Tale In A Faraway Land (FICTOID)

On the second week of the garbage collection strike, the dragon told a joke about Hansel and Gretel.

It was an old, old, old joke, of course, but she tried to give it a twist by having a beaver upstage the children.

“Why would you want to wreck a perfectly good joke?” the rainbow fairy asked.

Like the dragon, she found picket duty to be tiresome, especially since she had to carry a full size picket sign.

“I didn’t ‘wreck’ it,” said the dragon.  I updated it.”

“Doesn’t look much different from wrecking it where I sit,” said the fairy.

The dragon flicked her tail idlily, as if pretending to mull over fricasseeing the fairy, but truth be told, she wanted no trouble.

“Fine, I won’t tell it again,” she growled.  

“Fat lot of good that does me now,” said the fairy.  “It’s stuck in my head forever.”

“I’ll guess it’s true what they say about fairies,” said the dragon with a smirk.

“And just what do they say about fairies?”

“Your curiosity will kill you, just like a cat.”

“Cats have nine lives.”

“And how many do fairies have?”



© Buzz Dixon

Toxic Individuality

Toxic Individuality

Writing Report March 12, 2022

Writing Report March 12, 2022