A Hike Through The Woods [FICTOID]

A Hike Through The Woods [FICTOID]

The leprechaun with the backpack walked briskly through the woods.  He didn’t have his pipe with him but at least he kept his shoelaces tied.

There was a reason for all this, of course, but there’s no need to go into that…yet.

He made it a practice to leave in the early morning hours, getting all his gear loaded up before any humans hit the trail.  He hated them even more than he hated foxes.

But none of that really seemed to matter once he hit the trail.

Like most leprechauns, he made it a practice to take covert routes to avoid any humans who might want to snoop on him.

I shouldn’t be a worry wart, he thought.  it’s a pity to waste time thinking about them when I could be enjoying the day.

The sun rose like a big red fireball.

Red sun at morning, the leprechaun thought, Sailor take warning.

A cold wind blew past him, making him turn up his collar.

Ahead of him a deer frolicked with its fawn.  The leprechaun thought of Bambi and his mother…and his nausea nearly overpowered him.

Humans, he thought.  Everything they touch turns to crap.

The wind picked up.  Time to find shelter, he thought.

He found an overhanging log and checked underneath -- perfect!  Setting up camp quickly, he settled in to ride out the storm.

It would be a long night, but a good one.


© Buzz Dixon

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