The Main Character Witnesses A Crime [FICTOID]

The Main Character Witnesses A Crime [FICTOID]

When Trevor looked out the window, two thugs were kicking the local almond merchant.  The merchant, a gentle elderly Persian who wore paisley vests and let neighborhood children sample his wares, curled up in a tight ball to absorb the blows.

Throwing open the window, Trevor yelled, “Stop that!”

The thugs did not stop that.

“Leave him alone!” he shouted.

This time one thug looked up and flipped him the bird while his partner started hitting the almond dealer with a PVC pipe, his intent to inflict pain, not lethal injury.

The almond dealer began writhing as the blows rained upon him.

“Whaddya gonna do about it, punk?” the digitally extended thug asked.

What would he do?  Doubtlessly the thugs knew how much time they had before the police would arrive…

Trevor saw the French horn his aunt gave him many Christmases ago.  He never learned to play it, but…

With the courage of a lion, Trevor rushed to the window and hurled the French horn at the thugs with all his might --

-- and hit the almond dealer square in the groin.

Already on the ground, the almond dealer began thrashing and screaming in Farsi, clutching his impacted genitalia.  The two thugs looked at each other, shrugged, and sauntered off.

Trevor closed the window and returned to making his breakfast.

Half an hour later, the police knocked on his door.

“Is this your French horn?” they asked.

Trevor’s anxiety, already inflated to critical levels, took over his mouth.  “Why, no, officers, I’ve never seen that before in my life.”


© Buzz Dixon

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