Adult Friends On Vacation In The Tropics [FICTOID]

Adult Friends On Vacation In The Tropics [FICTOID]

Alex stood under the stone archway.  “Brunch?” he asked.  “Champagne and strawberries?”

“What?  Again?” Bethany said with a laugh.

They sat on a private terrace overlooking the resort.  An invasion of tourists was underway, so it was time to end their autumnal vacation and return home to their spouses.

All four friends felt the seven year itch settle into their marriages, a blah feeling that there wasn’t nearly enough charge in their relationship, but also a reluctance to do anything about it.

Teresa suggested it first, almost as a joke…almost.

After the initial shock, the two couples saw it was a good idea:  A week away from home on the opposite side of the world before tourist season began so they’d enjoy some privacy and discretion.  Exchange partners upon arrival, spend the entire week exclusively with the other.

“After all, we might as well do something really different for a change,” Chaz said when they discussed it.

So they talked it over and made sure they all had clean bills of health and booked their vacation at the resort.

Once they landed they kissed their spouses good-bye and moved in with their vacation mate.

It proved to be a wonderful stay.  Bethany, a scuba diver, got to indulge her passion for diving (as well as her passion for passion).

But now the week was over and the experiment must cease.

“I’m going to miss this,” said Bethany.  “I’m going to hoard my memories like a miser, something to keep me warm when I’m all bundled up like a penguin, but…I’m ready to go home.”

“Me, too,” said Alex.  They kissed, and then they caressed, and then they retired to their suite for their last good-bye.

The hot tropic sun burned the mist off the island after an unexpected rain.

Bethany and Alex met Teresa and Chas at the airport, and each couple shyly kissed and boarded with their respective spouses.

High over the Pacific, Bethany turned to her spouse.  “Well, how was it for you?  Did we get it our of our system?”

“I think we did,” Teresa said.


© Buzz Dixon

Writing Report February 27, 2021

Writing Report February 27, 2021