Having The Boss Over For Dinner [FICTOID]

Having The Boss Over For Dinner [FICTOID]

Ted kissed Patricia.  “Mmm, smells delicious.”

“Call the kids down.  We should be eating in twenty minutes,” his wife said.  “And pull the brioche out of the oven, I don’t want it to burn.

As Ted took the bread out, Pat ladled juice over the simmering meat in the pot.

“This is a big one,” she said.  “I’m glad we got the extra large freezer for the garage.”

“How many meals do you think we can get out of this?” Ted asked.

“At least thirteen, including tonight.  Plenty of leftovers, and what isn’t choice cuts can go into meatloaf.”

“That certainly trims back our monthly grocery bill.”

“Well, something has to.  When your boss turned down your request for a raise, I didn’t know what we’d do.  Honestly, I felt desperate enough to start looking at online videos on how to cook road kill.”

Ted laughed.  “I’d never let it get that bad,” he said, kissing her again.

“I do worry about the quality of this meat,” Pat said.  “The skin looked rather pallid and the cuts seemed sort of fatty.”

“I’m sure they’ll taste great,” Ted said.

His wife transferred the meat to a cerulean blue retro style serving platter and carried it to the table.  Their three kids looked joyous; it would be nice to eat meat again.

Ted’s boss still wore a surprised expression on his face, as if he couldn’t believe there was a dime-sized hole in his forehead.

Ted sharpened his carving knife.  “Who wants an ear?” he asked.


© Buzz Dixon

Writing Report September 14, 2020

Writing Report September 14, 2020

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