The Supernatural Invades The Everyday [FICTOID]

The Supernatural Invades The Everyday [FICTOID]

The TV remote started barking like a dog.

“Oh, brother, not again,” grumbled the farmer.  “I hate it when this happens.”

“This” was an incursion from the magical realm into the mundane worlds.  Anything could happen when that occurred.

The farmer smashed the remote in the palm of his hand to get it to quiet down.

“What’s happening?” his wife asked.  “Magic again?”



“Can’t tell,” said the farmer.  When it got really bad, cows could turn into chimpanzees, sheep into salamanders, lemons into lions.  “We don’t need that sorta thing.”

“Whaddya gonna do?” his wife asked with a shrug.  “Magic is magic.  It ain’t science like…like ‘lectricity or rockets or enzymes or such.”

“Least it’s just metamorphosis again,” said the farmer.  “I don’t want things merging into one another like the time the cat merged into the kitchen table.”

As if on cue, the table meowed loudly.

“I remember when I was a school girl,” the farmer’s wife said.  “We got hit with a rogue spell at senior prom, turned us all into chickens.”

The farmer glanced at her.  He never heard this story before.  “What happened?”

His wife yawned; it was late and she grew sleepy.  “We got better…eventually.  But it took a couple of weeks.  My folks hated it when I changed back.”


“Well, pa said they could use the eggs.”


© Buzz Dixon


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