List of Lockdown Free Media

If you’re in lockdown mode (like me) and a cheap bastard (especially like me), you’re going to be wanting some free, fun entertainment to while away the hours.  Assembled here are a list of links and sub-links to provide you with hours -- days!  weeks!!! of fun.

Take two and call me in the morning…

-- Dr. Dixon


Project Gutenberg

“Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world's great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired.”

Many books also available in audio book form and some on foreign translations.


Project Gutenberg Australia

Because of differences in copyright laws, they got a few books from the 20th century you won’t find in the main Project Gutenberg site above


The Faded Page

Another public domain site, this one specific to Canadian copyright laws, and as such with a number of popular books now in PD in Canada but still copyright elsewhere.  It wouldn’t hurt to take a L007K.


The Luminist Archive

“Items in this collection are tagged as non-fiction, fiction, poetry, or drama, although some works defy exact categorization or may be alternatively categorized. Other categories include biography, anthologies, and letters. Most of the PDF files listed here are made from cover-to-cover scans of original print publications.”

The last time I checked most of the links worked but a few didn’t.  Give ‘em a look; they’ve got a lot of stuff you can’t find elsewhere, including many old & hard to find sci-fi / fantasy / horror stories.


The Internet Archive

“Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.”

Navigation here is not the most intuitive in the world, but once you get the hang of it you can find some amazing stuff.  Often specific works are cross listed in two or more archives, so check the sub-links in the works’ descriptions; they’ll take you all sorts of places.

CAUTION: Like Ivory Soap, the Internet Archive 99 & 44/100th% pure -- but ya gotta watch out for that remaining 56/100%.  Don’t let your little kids or your elderly relatives with heart conditions browse without supervision.

Here’s a handful I found exceptionally enjoyable.




Old Time Radio

Giant archive of old time radio (OTR) shows as well as some newer programs from Australia and England.


Dimension X (OTR)

The first all sci-fi radio anthology show ran only one season (1950-51) but it packed a lot of adaptations of great classic stories in those episodes.


X Minus One (OTR)

Radio anthology show from the mid-50s, many of the stories based on now widely regarded classics by the biggest names in the field at the time.


Dragnet (OTR)

The one, the only, the original.  If your only exposure to Dragnet was the cheap color series in the late 60s / early 70s, you’re missing out on one of the best police procedurals ever done.


Pat Novak, For Hire (OTR)

Despite being typecast as grim Joe Friday, Jack Webb had a lively sense of humor and his Pat Novak series was one long Airplane-like send up of the tough guy school of noir drama with dialog so hard boiled I’m surprised it didn’t break the actors’ teeth.  They pulled this off with a straight face, only breaking up and revealing the joke in the last episode.


The Jack Webb Show (OTR)

Webb’s first radio show was a comedy variety series.  He does a good job, but soon he’d start playing tough guys and that was the end of his comedy career.


Henry Morgan (OTR)

Most people remember him (if they remember him at all) as a panelist on early TV quiz shows.  On radio he was a master of absurd comedy.


The 78rpm Project

Literally tens of thousands of recordings from the earliest days of Victrolas to the mid-50s.


Folkscanomy: A Library of Books


Pulp Paperbacks


The Magazine Rack

An enormous number of magazines dating from the 19th century to the present including huge caches of pulps, science fiction, film, music, games, and electronics magazines.

(Note To Parents: This sub-archive has some NSFW material in it, so you may want to make sure of what your kids are browsing / downloading.)


The Pulp Magazine Archive

Literally thousands of classic adventure / mystery / romance / western / sci-fi / horror pulps from the 1900s to the present, including many British titles.


Sci-Fi Bookworm

Copious (although, alas, not complete) issues of the legendary sci-fi fanzines Science Fiction Review and Thrust, plus some other goodies.  This were all posted by Jim Harris, so do him a solid and go visit his blog, Auxilary Memory.


Additional Collections


Warren Magazines

A big collection of magazines and comics from Warren Publishing inc. Famous Monsters, Spacemen, Creepy, Eerie, Vampirella, and 1984/94.


Warren Publishing Archive

Similar to the above but with some things not found there.


Comic Books And Graphic Novels

(Note To Parents:  This one has a few titles you may want to approve.)


Classic Comics

This one is kid friendly, with over 500 classic Walt Disney comics


Asterix The Gaul in English


Classics Illustrated Comics 

The old comic book series that got us through our last minute book reports in junior high.  Now you’ve got no excuse not to feign being literate.


Other links:


Comic Book Plus

Several thousand golden and silver age comics (not from the big companies, alas, but still lotsa gems here) and a few pulps and fanzines.  Requires a sign-up but they don’t ask for money.


Digital Comics Museum

Ditto.  Several thousand golden and silver age comics (again, not from the big companies, but they have a few you can’t find elsewhere) and a few pulps and fanzines.  Requires a sign-up but they don’t ask for money.


The Pulp Magazines Project

Not as extensive as the Internet Archive but easier to navigate


Real Pulp

A lot of overlap with other sites but all in one convenient location



Free public domain audio books

The End Of Playboy

The End Of Playboy

Writing Report March 18, 2020

Writing Report March 18, 2020