God awakes

God awakes

God awakes
from His dream
and stretches
and says:
“That was a good dream
a vivid dream
a dream with a hundred billion galaxies
each with a hundred billion stars
and dozens of worlds around each star

And life?  More life
than can be imagined
all kinds
and all manner
vast empires
and tiny amoeba

And it lasted
a hundred billion years
and for each nanosecond
it existed
a new universe
an alternate universe
came into existence
with just a tiny

of thousands
of millions
of billions
of trillions
of alternate universes
created each instant
as full
and complete
as the original

It was a good dream  
a vivid dream
but now
I have
more important things
to do

The moment
has come
when I
must wake
and be about
My true purpose
and that pleasant dream
of a universe
filled with
and planets
and people
must now fade
into oblivion

I have already
forgotten it

Who can say
it ever
truly existed
at all?


© Buzz Dixon

Writing Report April 27, 2019

Writing Report April 27, 2019

Writing Report April 20, 2019

Writing Report April 20, 2019