Separate But Definitely Not Equal

Separate But Definitely Not Equal

Let me hammer this point home just as fncking hard as I fncking can:  To call them “counter protestors” is a God damned lie.

They are not counter protestors, they are AMERICANS.  They adhere to the ideal of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for everyone.  They believe -- we believe -- that everyone should be treated with equal respect under the law.

Now, there’s a whole range of opinions on exactly what life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness should look like, but even at the most extreme limits, the worst that could happen would be we end up living in a society that might be a little more expensive, but would see no one suffers from want, and no one is mistreated or denigrated for any reason, and no one is denied liberty without due cause and process.

The white supremacists -- call them alt-right or Nazis or neo-Confederates or anything except “American” -- have embraced a philosophy diametrically opposed to that.

Whereas the average American can take a live-and-let-live attitude towards others (and admittedly, in many cases ignoring bad things that happen to other Americans), the white supremacists can only exist in their own estimation by holding a superior position over…everyone.

A white supremacist’s dream world is one in which any non-white not annihilated and forgotten is enslaved to make the white supremacist’s life easier.  There can be no live-and-let-live with the despised, hated other:  Only death and degradation.

So to call Americans -- true Americans, justified Americans -- “counter protestors” is to insult us and denigrate all this country holds dear as self-evident truth.

To have a counter protest requires an equal opposing force, equal not just in size but in the righteousness of their cause.  To say “counter protest” means one is saying “the desire to kill and enslave others is the moral and ethical equal of the desire to seek liberty and justice for all.”

That’s like saying cancer is the equal of health, death is the equal of life, shit is the equal of Shinola.

We would justifiably rebel at the thought of “counter cancer” being no different from cancer, that a desire for health was nothing more than a violent kneejerk reaction to the ravages of tumors and pus draining sores.

So reject the term “counter protest”.

There is no counter protest:  There is a righteous ideal of liberty and justice for all, and white supremacy has nothing in common with it.

American Christianity Has Turned Into Jesus Junk

American Christianity Has Turned Into Jesus Junk

