Roy Doty (1922 - 2015)

Roy Doty 628x524px-7428780d_ScreenShot2012-05-12at15.00.41 I've posted before on Roy Doty, and so it saddens me to report his death via Tom Spurgeon's The Comics Reporter.

I have nothing to add to the enthusiasm I've shown for his work in the past.  He was a marvelous cartoonist, accomplishing more with simple clean lines that most artists can do with all the fancy filigrees they can throw on the page.  He said of himself "What could be nicer? I sit and draw funny pictures and people send me money."

There's a term "the jazz musicians' musician" meaning an artist of exceptional talent and ability who is just so good at what they do that the uninitiated don't recognize or fully appreciate it, but those who are trying to make their own mark in the field realize what genius they possess.

Roy Doty was a cartoonists' cartoonist.


If The Answer Isn't "Yes", Then It's "No"

Fictoid:  Cinderella::Aftermath

Fictoid: Cinderella::Aftermath