A Comedy Of Errors [FICTOID]

A Comedy Of Errors [FICTOID]

The quarrelsome harpy in the rickshaw smacked her driver on the head with her heavy handbag.

“I said 1154 West Cricket Lane, sunshine, not 1154 East Cricket Lane.”

The driver glared at her, imagining her as an undead zombie stuck in limbo.

“You distinctly said West when you called my app,” he said, showing her his phone.

“Never!  Your app is wrong.” 

“Not hardly,” said the driver.  He took the job months ago to get out in the fresh air, but clients like this cranky spoilsport ruined what little fun he had.  “I assure you my app is not wrong.”

“It has to be!  I never make mistakes!”

The driver wondered what his shrink would say about this then said, “You can claim you didn’t make a mistake but I can prove you did.”


The driver held up his cell phone.  “West Cricket lane goes up to 2440, but East Cricket Lane ends on the 500 block.  You added an extra ‘1’ when you sent me the address to 154.”

“Well…anybody can make a mistake,” the harpy said.  “Just take me to the right place.”

The driver sighed and pedaled them the 14 blocks east to the correct address.

When they got there, the harpy hopped out and rushed to the building’s front door.

“Hey!  What about my fee?”

“Sorry, forgot my credit card.  Whoops!” said the harpy as the doorman buzzed her in.



© Buzz Dixon


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