What's Wrong With Christian Pop Culture (Part Five)

What's Wrong With Christian Pop Culture (Part Five)

Here’s “Frank’s” next part:
“The problem with [thinking porn is voluntary] is twofold: first – it often isn’t voluntary, as leaders working to prevent sex trafficking will quickly tell you. And second – even when it is voluntary, the impact porn makes on men’s behavior should be a serious threat to anyone concerned about women’s safety.”

When it’s not voluntary, it’s a crime:
Either evidence of rape or an invasion of privacy.

The commercial porn industry (and more on that in a bit) is one of the better regulated businesses around.

They take great pains to make sure all their performers are of legal age.

All activities are contracted for in advance of actual performance.

For performances that appear violent or non-consensual, the pornographers are often very cautious and record a brief interview with the performer/s after the fact to assure authorities it was done with their consent.

(And, yes, I am fully aware that a lot of people, desperate for money, will agree to all sorts of degrading things; nonetheless, they agree in advance and they are legally competent adults when they do so.)

Commercially available porn, even porn shared through social media sites such as Tumblr and others, is extremely cautious about bringing the authorities down upon themselves, and will not use underage or unwilling performers.

But “Frank” is correct insofar as there are a large number of porn enthusiasts who are not in it for the money, who simply enjoy sharing the material with others.

Much of this sharing is pirated commercial porn, but a lot of it is self-generated.

And much of it is not shared openly through social media but privately in peer-to-peer networks.

Here is where material that breaks the law can appear.  

Yes, indeed, there are sex traffickers who use actual images of their victims to entice more customers.

Yes, indeed, there are child molesters and pedophiles who share images of children being raped.

Yes, indeed, there are voyeurs who violate others’ right to privacy.

When these people are found out, there are legal mechanisms to prosecute them.

Social media sites in particular will move swiftly to block such accounts and cooperate with legal authorities.

But the fact such material is shared online is immaterial to the underlying crimes of rape and invasion of privacy.

Rape is rape, invasion or privacy is invasion of privacy regardless of whether it is recorded or not and regardless of how the material is disseminated.

But is this part of “Frank’s” post that is more problematic still:  
”The impact porn makes on men’s behavior should be a serious threat to anyone concerned about women’s safety.”


How did “Frank’s” sources quantify that?

Look, there is a grain of truth here,
a valid point to be made.

But “Frank” ain’t making it…



© Buzz Dixon



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