What Happens If The U.S. Dissolves?

What Happens If The U.S. Dissolves?

I've seen proposals for the 4 Pacific states (Hawaii, California, Oregon, Washington) to split off and form a new nation, labeled "Pacifica" in most proposals along these lines. My question would be how the military and nuclear arsenal would be divided. I calculated based on California's contribution to GNP that our state alone would be entitled to 2 aircraft carriers and 598 nuclear bombs.

That's sufficient for a nation the size of California.

Now if such a break would occur (and I think it's possible, especially if the rust belt Trump voters thought it meant they wouldn't have to pay for minority dominated cities any more) then most of the NE states could coalesce into a new nation and the south and midwest and Texas could go play by themselves.

I think there would be terrible ethnic cleansing in those states (though minorities would dominate in some areas and have enough strength to form their own nations). In the end, if Texas didn't fall to Hispanic influence and be reabsorbed into Mexico (along with Arizona and New Mexico) then the other struggling predominantly white states would look to them for assistance and probably get the cold shoulder: "You're on your own!"

BTW, I don't think Canada would be interested in large numbers of New England states joining them since the sudden influx of about a hundred million Yankee culture new citizens might prove disruptive to their own Canadian culture, but they'd probably be happy to absorb Alaska (unless Putin invades it first; it used to be Russia's).

Canada might go along with the Pacific states being absorbed by them since West Coast culture is more laid back (but then Mexico might want to reunify the southern half of the state...)

First off, I think Trump voters could easily be fooled into splitting the union apart and letting everybody go their separate ways. They really think that's the answer to everything. If it was presented to them as their opportunity to never ever be bossed around by minorities and / or elites, a lot of them would go for it.

Secondly, the military is a mix and spread all over the US; should a split occur then there would have to be negotiations for getting those military (and other federal) personnel back to their home states should they want to return, or allowing them to stay in their current location if they so desired.

The whole Pacific Coast is ripe with harbors and navy yards, not to mention the HQ of the Pacific fleet in Hawaii. The landlocked Midwest states wouldn't see any point in subs and aircraft carriers (they'd want the ICBMs and the bombers) so trade offs would be made.

Agriculturally California grows enough by itself to feed the entire country if it absolutely had to, and Oregon and Washington are self-sufficient, so that worry is off the record. Between wind / solar / nuclear / hydro-electic power, we'd get along quite well, thank you very much.

Once the split occurs, states could realign / stay independent as they see fit. That's where the ethnic cleansing would start (and if we're lucky it would just be forced resettlements)

Now, mind you, I think global corporate interests would not want that to happen. Dealing with just the federal government is difficult enough, split that into 20 - 50 independent states and the problem becomes hugely complex, not to mention the added problem of some warlord -- 'scuse me, local politician -- deciding to nationalize everything within his / her borders.

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